A Second Chance at Motherhood

I was a young wife and mother of twins, with great aspirations to rise in my hotel career. Living in the Philippines, we had the luxury of a home staff to cook, clean and take care of the kids. So, I focused much of my time and energy on building my professional portfolio. I drove the kids to school, popped in to watch programs, cheered at sports events, and helped with homework. All squeezed in in my busy calendar!

            My career and marriage eventually fizzled out. After winning sole custody of my children, we moved to the US to join my family and to start a new career. It was time to embrace my second chance at motherhood, albeit harder as a single parent. I had Jesus Christ on my side.

            For 20 years I dedicated my life to solely focus on my relationship with Jesus and committed these years to raising my girls. Even while I was holding on to two jobs, God allowed me to drive my kids all over for sports and to cheer for them. I chaperoned at school events. And did so much more with them to help build memories! I witnessed my girls graduate from college, with one securing a master’s degree, and pursue careers, where they are thriving. They make me so proud! Truly, “children are a gift from God; they are his reward” (Psalm 127:3).

            But God decided to drop another gift on my lap, another chance to “mother.” And this time…my grandkids! You can call me a babysitter—I don’t really care! The joy of seeing them grow and just be part of their lives almost every day is a blessing! Although I won’t admit to my age today, “grandchildren are the crown of the aged” (Proverbs 17:6).

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